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Theme: “Democracy and Human Rights”


11th - 13th September 2019

Ponta Grossa, Paraná, Brazil.

Promotion: Postgraduate program in Applied Social Sciences of Ponta Grossa State University (UEPG)


Organizing committee:

  • Drª Danuta Estrufika Cantoia Luiz

  • Drª. Edina Schimanski 

  • Drª Jussara Ayres Bourguignon

  • Drª Larissa Mongruel Martins de Lara

  • Drª Lislei Teresinha Preuss

  • Drª Sandra Scheffer  

  • Drª Mirna de Lima Medeiros (coordenadora)


     The postgraduate program in Applied Social Sciences of Ponta Grossa State University (UEPG) began in 2001, offering courses in a master's degree in the interdisciplinary area, and in 2012 obtained approval to offer the doctorate. As a strategy for the consolidation of scientific production and greater academic exchange, the program promotes scientific activities seeking to make visible the developed researches and to reinforce partnerships with other academic institutions and research groups.


     The Symposium proposal is closely related to the researches developed in the program, which has the Research Area "Citizenship and Public Policies" and two lines of research: "State, Rights and Public Policies" and "History, Culture and Citizenship ". The participation of researchers from different areas and the interlocution between scientific and academic institutions highlights the interdisciplinary characteristic of the event.


     In 2016 was held the "1st International Interdisciplinary Symposium on Applied Social Sciences", with the theme: “Development, gender and condition of poverty” and in 2017 the 2nd International Interdisciplinary Symposium on Applied Social Sciences, with the theme: “Social rights and citizenship in the current context”. In 2019, we propose the THIRD INTERNATIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY SYMPOSIUM ON APPLIED SOCIAL SCIENCES, with the theme “Democracy and Human Rights”. This proposal seeks to maintain the efforts towards to strengthen the internationalization process of both the postgraduate program and the UEPG in the international arena and the ties of cooperation with national and international educational institutions.


     The theme proposed for the event honors the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (completed in December of 2018) and highlights the worlds’ scenario of uncertainties for its ideal of securing, for any human being in any country and under any circumstance, conditions of survival and growth in an environment of respect and peace, equality and freedom.


  • Submission of research works extended: 12h00 of 31th of May

  • Notification of acceptance in the official website: 6th of July

  • Registration of authors of the approved works: 6th of July to 9th of August

  • Registration of participants as listeners or public in general: 6th of July to 6th of September


Rules for submitting papers

Modality: Scientific Paper

  • The content of the papers submitted to the III International Interdisciplinary Symposium on Applied Social Sciences should cover one of the thematic axes of the working groups (described as continuity);

  • Size: from 10 to 15 pages (entirety, including references and illustrations);

  • Authorship: A maximum of four authors / coauthors will be allowed in each work;

  • Presentation: There is no limit of works per author, however, the limit of 4 authors / co-authors per work must be respected and up to 2 works per person will be allowed;

  • Structure: The paper must have an abstract of not more than 200 words, with up to 5 keywords. The introduction should indicate the subject/object of the research, the objectives and the originality/value of the work. Development should expose the theoretical framework, methodology, results, and discussions. In the final considerations, we suggest that you return to the objective pointing out the main findings, as well as to point out the limitations and possibilities of future research. References (references only cited in the text) must follow the ABNT or APA standard. The template of the event that will be made available on the website of the event must be used;

  • Language: Papers in Portuguese, Spanish or English will be accepted;

  • Format: font Arial size 12, simple spacing, justified text alignment;

  • Publication Opportunities:

    • The approved papers will be published in the annals of the III International Interdisciplinary Symposium on Applied Social Sciences in an online format on the event's website, with the exception of those selected for the journals partners of the event (Publicatio, Podium, among others) or the special edition of the Symposium book.

    • Works that receive fast-track to journals partners of the event (Publicatio, Podium, among others) should adjust the work to the norms of the journal and send to the partners within the deadlines exposed in the invitation.

    • In submitting the work for consideration by the Scientific Committee, the authors agree to assign the copyright of their articles for the sole purpose of publication in book (selected) or in the annals and site of the event. All rights to ideas, theses and arguments shall be reserved exclusively to authors.

Working Groups

Group 1: Leisure, sport and society

Interdisciplinary studies and research in the area of sport and leisure, on the perspectives of public policies and the guarantee of rights; the commodification of corporal practices and the entertainment industry; and on training and multi-professional performance. These analyzes are problematized by the social actions and the political culture of a certain historical moment; with the value of symbolic exchanges, with inequalities, inclusions and exclusions linked to sports and leisure phenomena.


Group Leaders: Prof. Dr. Alfredo Cesar Antunes; Prof. Dr. Constantino Ribeiro de Oliveira Júnior & Prof. Dr. Gonçalo Cassins Moreira do Carmo

Group 2: Historical and socio-cultural issues of the citizenship of children and adolescents

The social construction of childhood and adolescence; Analysis of international and national norms and laws and their application in the policies of attendance to the children and youth population; Integral Protection Doctrine and the challenges for its realization; Violation of the rights of children and adolescents; Promotion, defense, control and implementation of human rights in children and adolescents; Interdisciplinary and perspectives of integration between the institutions of the Political System of Guarantees and Protects of Rights; Networks of protection for children and youth.


Group Leaders: Profa. Dra. Cleide Lavoratti & Profa. Dra. Dirceia Moreira


Group 3: Public social security policies

Analysis of social security from the theoretical and conceptual point of view; Debate on contributory and non-contributory social protection rights; Analysis of the public policies of social assistance and social security; Social welfare and social security schemes in the current context; Social security as a human right of social protection; Social security and social inequality; Financing of social security and fiscal crisis; Social rights and social security.

Group Leaders: Profa. Dra. Lucia Cortez & Profa. Dra. Lenir Aparecida Mainardes da Silva

Group 4: Civil Society, Public policies and social practices

Perspectives, conceptions and relations between State, Civil Society and Public Policies in contemporary times. Systematization of Social Practices in a multidisciplinary and / or interdisciplinary perspective in the context of the relations between State, Civil Society and Public Policies in its diverse expressions.

Group Leaders: Profa. Dra. Danuta Estrufika Cantoia & Profa. Dra. Silmara Carneiro e Silva


Group 5: Human rights and public policies

Historical, philosophical, legal and political concepts related to Human Rights. Human rights in the context of Latin America and Brazil. The State and human rights. Public policies and human rights. Education in human rights. Human rights and immigration in the current context. Human rights and restorative justice. Peace Culture and Human Rights.

Group Leaders: Prof. Dr. Nei Alberto Salles Filho & Profa. Dra. Jussara Ayres Bourguignon


Group 6: Development and Citizenship

Rural Development, Family Agriculture and Local Productive Arrangements; Regional development. Public policies and development; Local production processes and business networks. Solidarity economy. Development and poverty.

Group Leaders: Profª Drª Augusta Pelinski Raiher & Profª Drª Sandra Scheffer


Group 7: Human Development, Culture and Criminal Control

Human development from psychosocial, legal-political and / or socio-cultural perspectives. Cross-cultural / cross-national studies. Life trajectories, vulnerable groups and criminal control.

Group Leaders: Profa. Dr. Silmara Carneiro e Silva & Profa. Dr. Elizabeth Trejos-Castillo.


Group 8: Gender Relations, Work and Social Inequality

Gender and its relation to social inequality present in capitalist society. Gender and labor relations. Poverty and social inequality, Gender violence.

Group Leaders: Profa. Dr. Lenir Aparecida Mainardes da Silva; Profa. Dr. Luana Marcia Billerbeck & Profa. Dr. Edina Schimanski.


Group 9: Rights, Technology and Innovation

Labor relations in the Knowledge Economy, personality rights in the information society, international action in a network of social movements, new technologies for access to justice, use of artificial intelligence in the Judiciary, disruptive culture in the information society .

Group Leaders: Prof. Dr. Fabrício Bittencourt da Cruz & Prof. Dr João Irineu de Resende Miranda


Group 10: Social Sciences and its Interface with Health

The right to health as a human right and its interfaces. Institutional and cultural challenges to the realization of the right to health. The challenges and interdisciplinary perspectives on health. The production of knowledge and practice in health. Social control in health. Health care networks. Integrative Practices in Health, Promotion and Healthy Living.

Group Leaders: Profa. Dr. Lislei Teresinha Preuss & Prof. Dr. Isaias Cantoia Luiz


Group 11: Tourism and Hospitality

Studies and interdisciplinary research in tourism and hospitality areas, from the perspective of the tourist market, public policies and society.

Group Leaders: Profa. Dr. Graziela Scalise Horodyski & Profa. Dra. Rubia Gisele Tramontin Mascarenhas


The Organizing Committee may, depending on the amount of work received, dismember or gather working groups, or, depending on the content of the approved works, reallocate the work in the Working Group that it deems appropriate.


Important dates
Rules for submitting
Working groups





Graduation student

Graduate students

Teachers and Professionals






*Payment made through bank deposit.



Email:  Telephone: (+55) 42 3220-3153
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8:00 – 11:00 Credenciamento

8:00 – 8:30 Boas-vindas

8:30 – 9:00 Solenidade de Abertura

9:00 – 10:00 Palestra “Direitos Humanos, Democracia & Participação Social” - Prof. Dr. Carlos Rodrigues Brandão (UNICAMP) 10:00 – 10:20 Apresentação Musical (Conservatório UEPG)

10:20 – 11:20 Palestra “Avaliação de Políticas Públicas: tendências & desafios” – Profª Drª Cláudia Souza Passador (USP)

11:20 – 11:45 Discussões, sorteios e seção de autógrafos do Prof. Carlos Brandão


13:30 – 15:00 Seções de apresentação de trabalhos (GT1; GT2; GT3; GT4; GT5; GT6; GT7; GT8; GT9; GT10; GT11)

13:30 – 15:00 Oficina "Indicadores sociais" - Profª Drª Augusta Pelinski Raiher (UEPG) *

15:00 – 15:30 Intervalo

15:30 – 17:15 Seções de apresentação de trabalhos (GT1; GT2; GT3; GT4; GT5; GT6; GT7; GT8; GT9; GT10)

15:30 - 17:00 Oficina "Métodos Mistos" - Profª Drª Luna Marquez Ferolla (IFTM) *


Durante todo o dia: Exposição “Projeto sapatos”

*Atividades com vagas limitadas.

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III Simpósio Internacional Interdisciplinar em Ciências Sociais Aplicadas: Democracia e Direitos Humanos - 2019

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